Points Marketplace

Trade points through our in-app marketplace

Pichi's marketplace serves as the premier platform for trading points accumulated in Pichi Wallets. Sellers have access to information on average sale prices for their points and can create listings. Buyers can explore available listings to discover the types of points offered and their corresponding prices. Pichi applies a marketplace fee to all transactions conducted within its in-app marketplace.

Selling Points

Users who have accumulated points in their Pichi Wallets can create listings for any wallets they possess. By creating a listing, the seller effectively puts the Michi Wallet NFT up for sale, which includes the underlying ERC-6551 wallet and any associated points.

Listings can be priced in ETH and USDC, with sellers creating listings by signing signatures stored in our database. Cancelling a listing requires an on-chain transaction.

Buying Points

Users interested in purchasing points can browse all available listings on our marketplace and complete a purchase by paying the listed price in ETH or USDC. Purchasing points involves acquiring the Pichi Wallet NFT, which owns the ERC-6551 wallet containing the points. Upon purchase, the user gains custody of the wallet and assumes responsibility for the points.

Users can also make offers on listings by setting an offer price in ETH or USDC. Offers are submitted by signing signatures, and cancelling offers requires an on-chain transaction.

Last updated