Create a Pichi Wallet

Pichi Wallets are ERC-6551 wallets that are owned by NFTs

The first step on Pichi is to create a Pichi Wallet. This entails minting a Pichi Wallet NFT that owns an ERC-6551 wallet.

ERC-6551 wallets are self-custody wallets that are entirely owned by an NFT. Pichi does not have control over these wallets and cannot access any funds within them. The primary function is to facilitate the easy transfer of wallet custody by transferring the NFT.

Pichi Wallets can be created at no cost (excluding gas fees), and there is no limit to the number of Pichi Wallets a user can have. Once created, the wallet owner can begin depositing tokens and earning points in this wallet.

For additional information on ERC-6551, please check out

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